Sunday, November 21, 2010


I've always wondered what it is that we all really want in life.

I know it's different for different people but i imagine there have to be a few "needs" common to more or less the whole of humanity. There is, of course, the usual- food, shelter and sex. Perhaps being born and raised as social beings makes us emotionally cripple as well, hence making us the weak creatures that we are. That seems to explain our obsession with love, marriage, family and friendship-- that is, the relationships that we are born into and the bonds that we forge over time.

I struck out romantic love as a reliable source of emotional succour pretty early in my life. It's all very awesome while it lasts but ultimately it is ephemeral. Here today, gone tomorrow, it doesn't exactly make for a stellar example of consistency. With marriage too, one can't predict when the bird of love will go out the window, to greener pastures.

Even as i maintain that there's nothing sinful or wrong about love evaporating over time (people change, we change and we can't expect the feelings to stay the same), the fact remains that it hurts like shit. Change may be good, but it's rarely easy or painless-almost never so in relationships, especially my relationships.

To make matters worse, lately, family and friends have taken to disappointing me too. I am still undecided if it's me or them, all of them. It could just as well be me; maybe I am the one with unrealistic hopes and expectations from people. Or maybe i've just got every thing wrong.